[1] Phil Whelan,
********************** Install Hadoop/HBase on Whirr [1] on Ubuntu 10.04 **********************
NOTES: install JDK 1.6 not JRE
1) mvn clean install
First time: hbsql not found install error
Second time: no problem successful
2) set the following:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2.a) 5 min test of Whirr [3]
ssh-keygen -t rsa -P '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_whirr
bin/whirr launch-cluster --config recipes/ --private-key-file ~/.ssh/id_rsa_whirr
echo "ruok" | nc $(awk '{print $3}' ~/.whirr/zookeeper/instances | head -1) 2181; echo
2.b) bin/whirr destroy-cluster --config recipes/
3)jongwook@localhost:~/whirr$ bin/whirr launch-cluster --config
3.a) Exception in thread "main" org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException: Invalid key pair: (/home/jongwook/.ssh/id_rsa, /home/jongwook/.ssh/
ssh-keygen -t rsa -P ''
4) You will see the following for about 5 min
<< (ubuntu@ error acquiring Session(ubuntu@ Session.connect: End of IO Stream Read
<< bad status -1 ExecResponse(ubuntu@[./setup-jongwook status]
<< bad status -1 ExecResponse(ubuntu@[./setup-jongwook status]
5) then, hbase folder with shell and xml files are generated under '.whirr'
jongwook@localhost:~/whirr$ ls -al /home/jongwook/.whirr/
total 12
drwxr-xr-x 3 jongwook jongwook 4096 2011-06-17 16:19 .
drwxr-xr-x 46 jongwook jongwook 4096 2011-06-17 16:09 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 jongwook jongwook 4096 2011-06-17 16:19 hbase
6) Setup proxy server at Systems > Preferences > Network Proxy [5, 5.1]
Mark SOCKS Proxy
Proxy Server: localhost
port: 6666
6.a) at another terminal - temr2, setupHadoopEnv :
jongwook@localhost:~/whirr$ source ~/Documents/
6.b) And, at another terminal - temr2, Run Hadoop proxy to connect external and internal clusters
jongwook@localhost:~/whirr$ sh ~/.whirr/hbase/
Running proxy to Hadoop cluster at Use Ctrl-c to quit.
Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
7) Run a sample hadoop shell at the original terminal - term1
11/06/17 17:03:20 WARN conf.Configuration: DEPRECATED: hadoop-site.xml found in the classpath. Usage of hadoop-site.xml is deprecated. Instead use core-site.xml, mapred-site.xml and hdfs-site.xml to override properties of core-default.xml, mapred-default.xml and hdfs-default.xml respectively
Found 4 items
drwxr-xr-x - hadoop supergroup 0 2011-06-17 16:19 /hadoop
drwxr-xr-x - hadoop supergroup 0 2011-06-17 16:19 /hbase
drwxrwxrwx - hadoop supergroup 0 2011-06-17 16:18 /tmp
drwxrwxrwx - hadoop supergroup 0 2011-06-17 16:18 /user
8) at another terminal - temr3, setupHadoopEnv :
jongwook@localhost:~/whirr$ source ~/Documents/
8.a) And, at another terminal - temr3, Run HBase proxy to connect external and internal clusters; NOTE: need to close Hadoop proxy server because the port 6666 is shared
jongwook@localhost:~/whirr$ sh ~/.whirr/hbase/
Running proxy to HBase cluster at Use Ctrl-c to quit.
Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
9) Log in the master to run hadoop code with hbase data; user name is your local login, eg, jongwook for me.
jongwook@localhost:~/whirr$ ssh -i /home/jongwook/.ssh/id_rsa
jongwook@localhost:~/whirr$ ssh -i /home/jongwook/.ec2/id_rsa-dal_keypair
10) Now run Hadoop pi demo:
[root@ip-10-116-94-104 ~]# cd /usr/local/hadoop-0.20.2/
[root@ip-10-116-94-104 hadoop-0.20.2]# bin/hadoop jar hadoop-0.20.2-examples.jar pi 20 1000
11) setup path and CLASSPATH to run hbase and hadoop codes
export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/local/hadoop-0.20.2
export HBASE_HOME=/usr/local/hbase-0.89.20100924
export CLASSPATH=$HADOOP_HOME/hadoop-0.20.2-core.jar:$HADOOP_HOME/hadoop-0.20.2-ant.jar:$CLASSPATH
export CLASSPATH=$HADOOP_HOME/hadoop-0.20.2-examples.jar:$HADOOP_HOME/hadoop-0.20.2-test.jar:$CLASSPATH
export CLASSPATH=$HADOOP_HOME/hadoop-0.20.2-tools.jar:$CLASSPATH
#export CLASSPATH=$HADOOP_HOME/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar:$HADOOP_HOME/commons-logging-api-1.0.4.jar:$CLASSPATH
export CLASSPATH=$HBASE_HOME/hbase-0.89.20100924.jar:$HBASE_HOME/lib/zookeeper-3.3.1.jar:$CLASSPATH
export CLASSPATH=$HBASE_HOME/lib/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar:$HBASE_HOME/lib/avro-1.3.2.jar:$CLASSPATH
export CLASSPATH=$HBASE_HOME/lib/log4j-1.2.15.jar:$HBASE_HOME/lib/commons-cli-1.2.jar:$CLASSPATH
export CLASSPATH=$HBASE_HOME/lib/jackson-core-asl-1.5.2.jar:$HBASE_HOME/lib/jackson-mapper-asl-1.5.2.jar:$CLASSPATH
export CLASSPATH=$HBASE_HOME/lib/commons-httpclient-3.1.jar:$HBASE_HOME/lib/jetty-6.1.24.jar:$CLASSPATH
export CLASSPATH=$HBASE_HOME/lib/jetty-util-6.1.24.jar:$HBASE_HOME/lib/hadoop-core-0.20.3-append-r964955-1240.jar:$CLASSPATH
export CLASSPATH=$HBASE_HOME/lib/hbase-0.89.20100924.jar:$HBASE_HOME/lib/hsqldb-$CLASSPATH
12) Run HBase demo:
jongwook@ip-10-xx-xx-xx:/usr/local$ cd hbase-0.89.20100924/
jongwook@ip-10-xx-xx-xx:/usr/local/hbase-0.89.20100924$ ls
bin CHANGES.txt conf docs hbase-0.89.20100924.jar hbase-webapps lib LICENSE.txt NOTICE.txt README.txt
jongwook@ip-10-108-155-6:/usr/local/hbase-0.89.20100924$ bin/hbase shell
HBase Shell; enter 'help
Type "exit
Version: 0.89.20100924, r1001068, Tue Oct 5 12:12:44 PDT 2010
hbase(main):001:0> status 'simple'
5 live servers
ip-10-71-70-182.ec2.internal:60020 1308520337148
requests=0, regions=1, usedHeap=158, maxHeap=1974
domU-12-31-39-0F-B5-21.compute-1.internal:60020 1308520337138
requests=0, regions=0, usedHeap=104, maxHeap=1974
domU-12-31-39-0B-90-11.compute-1.internal:60020 1308520336780
requests=0, regions=0, usedHeap=104, maxHeap=1974
domU-12-31-39-0B-C1-91.compute-1.internal:60020 1308520336747
requests=0, regions=1, usedHeap=158, maxHeap=1974
ip-10-108-250-193.ec2.internal:60020 1308520336863
requests=0, regions=0, usedHeap=102, maxHeap=1974
0 dead servers
Aggregate load: 0, regions: 2